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Bouncy Race - Racing Game

Bouncy Race

We created this game for fun, trying to achieve something that we would like to play. The controls of the car are a little bit different from a classic race game, in order to bring something new to racing games category.

In this game you will race and try to avoid opponents in order to achieve a high score. You handle the car by swiping left or right on the screen, action that will push the car into the desired direction. The car will try then to get back to it's original position, so you need to keep swiping to keep it off center.

Also the sounds of this game are "home made" and made for fun, so we hope you will enjoy them.

You will find in the main menu a scores section. There we keep track of your highest scores, so you can check them to see your greatest achievements.

We want to give special thanks to ASSET76BOX.COM for the graphics and to MASTER KEY for the fonts.

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